Carrion Fields

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A trigger is a function of a MUD client that provides an automatic response to 
a specific text input you receive on your screen.  An example of a trigger 
would be receiving the line "You are hungry." from the MUD, and your client 
immediately, without input from you, returns "get bread sack;eat bread".  
Since a trigger fires with no input from the player, using one can be 
dangerous if it goes off at an inopportune time.  Using the above example, 
were that to go off while you were in the middle of a fight or running 
desperately from a gang of enemies, it could very well cause your death.

Using triggers is up to you, however using groups of triggers to automate all 
or a part of your character is called botting, and can be against the rules.  
See the helpfiles on 'rules' and 'botting' for more information.  Since 
triggers are not handled by the MUD itself, you will need to refer to the 
documentation that came with your client to learn more.

See also: RULES