Carrion Fields

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Most spells, supplications, powers, and songs allow a saving throw of some kind.
The saving throw is a chance for the victim of one of these affects to either
negate or lessen their impact upon him or her.  For example, a successful save
versus a blindness spell will prevent the victim from becoming blind; a
successful save against a fireball spell will reduce the damage the victim

In a roleplaying sense, you can imagine a saving throw in different ways as
appropriate.  That save against a fireball for reduced damage might indicate
that the victim raised her shield in time to absorb the brunt of the blast,
that she dodged behind some cover, or simply that the flames happened not to
burn anything vital.  A save versus a hold person spell to avoid paralysis
might represent that the victim ignored the spell by sheer toughness, resisted
with force of will, or managed a counterspell.  This is an imagination-based
game and we encourage you to use yours.

There are several kinds of saving throws, including spell, breath, and
paralyzation.  With respect to equipment and affects that modify your saving
throws, lower is better.  That is, affects which modify save vs spell by
negative amounts make you more likely to make saves and are therefore
beneficial; affects with positive amounts make you less likely to make saves
and are therefore malign.

Whether or not you succeed at a given saving throw is based on many factors,
including the caster's level compared to yours.